Sunday, February 13, 2022


 I did a photoshoot in January and I couldn't post some of the pictures to avoid eye brows being raised and tongues wagging things that might not go down well with my thought process. However, I woke up this morning and decided to share regardless.

There's someone out there that needs some encouragements so, I won't hold back, I'll share. I'm more concerned about that one person that would be encouraged.
Actually, the recent fuel scarcity stimulated this post. I journeyed back to memory lane, thinking about what happened on 1st December, 2015 during a severe fuel scarcity. I've been processing my thoughts and wondering why I had to go through all I went through; the shattered dreams, losses, accidents, goodbyes, failures, to mention just a few. Why me? But then, Why not me?!
Someone once asked me, "Faith, where was God when you were going through all these"? I said, He was there and He's still there raising a standard against the enemies that came like a flood".
God only permits you to go through something he knows you can come out of it stronger, not just stronger but also be a guide and an encourager to those who might also be crossing or passing through that lane.
Don't give up on yourself and most importantly, DON'T GIVE UP ON GOD. No Mather what you're going through, God will bring you out of it whole. Remember, If you catch hell don't hold it and if you're going through hell don't stop.
The first two pictures looks sexy, the last two definitely doesn't. There's always a story behind every picture. God turned the last two pictures into a wonder of the first two pictures. If He can make my legs whole again, He surely can do ANYTHING! I repeat... If GOD can make my legs whole again, HE SURELY CAN DO ANYTHING!!!
PS: Please, Avoid crowded fuel/gas station. And those operating these gas/fuel stations, please and please avoid selling fuel for too long so the 'nozzle' doesn't become too hot. That was what happened at the fuel station I had the fire accident. I wanted to buy fuel to refill my car tank on my way back home that blessed day. The crowd was pretty much so I decided to buy the fuel in a 'jerrycan' with the intension to later turn the content into the fuel tank since I couldn't drive in because of the crowd. I couldn't achieve that goal. I later got to know that the fuel station had been working non stop from morning till evening (the incident happened in the evening at about 4:30pm thereabout). The nozzle discharging the fuel became too hot and resulted to sparks (I actually saw the sparks cos I was almost directly in front of the nozzle) the sparks then resulted to an explosion. And the rest, they say it's history but for me, The rest is testimony!

I thank God I'm ALIVE today and didn't go with the fire that engulfed that fuel station that day. I was hospitalized for almost a month and couldn't walk. I'm alive today and can walk and even run with my legs and body whole because GOD SAVED ME!